Profile of Mrs. Sonal Chawda
  • v  27+ years of experience in early childhood education, providing consultancy, curriculum development, and teacher training.
  • v  Successfully set up schools and preschool chains including Klay Preschool and Daycare, We Care Learning, India International Pre-Activity Centers, and Sujaya Schools. Set up multiple schools and created curriculum for schools in Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Delhi, Hyderabad, and Pune
  • v  Extensive global experience, working with prestigious pre-primary schools like Neev, Child base(UK), and Rochester Preschool(USA).
  • v  Strong focus on operational excellence, adherence to international standards, and fostering creativity in early childhood education.
  • v  Proficient in diverse teaching approaches, including Multiple Intelligence, Regio Emilia, and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
  • v  Extensive experience providing consultancy to preschools, offering services such as preschool setup, curriculum development, teacher training, quality control, and preschool enhancement.

Experience includes

v  Heading the team to develop an App for successful Edu Tech company "Raising Superstar" based on holistic curriculum for children from infancy to 6 years.

v  Working as Nursery Practitioner with UK’s premium preschool chain ’Child Base’ which is awarded “Outstanding” Nursery by OFSTED

v  Sphere headed KLAY preschool chain as VP where the role included setting up chain of pre-schools and curriculum, creating process manual for operations, training teachers for international procedures NAEYC standards, etc as well as setting up an International standard school till 5th Grade.

v  Served as Vice –president at WeCare where the role included design and development of  a premium pre-school and daycare chain in India  for the  children as young as 6 weeks to kindergarten.

v  Conducting skill-based training sessions covering circle time, synthetic phonics, curriculum and lesson planning, parent-teacher communication, math in early years (including Jolly Phonics), storytelling , puppets etc,.

v  Published articles in esteemed education magazines, including "Brainfeed" and "The Mailbox," on topics such as intentional teaching, creating inspiring classrooms, and incorporating humour into learning.





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